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I promised you some kind of an update today and hey, there are four more strips to go along with it! Mayumi and Giovanni finally meet and the conversation begins.

As for the future of Yonkoma Nuzlocke… I’ve hinted in the last update that some big changes might be in store and today I’m returning to officially disappoint you by stating that still nothing is in a state I could call confirmed. Whatever happens, Yonkoma Nuzlocke will continue, make no mistake, and my plans are not looking any less likely than they did when I was vaguely yapping about them in the previous post, but I still can’t make my yapping any less vague, unfortunately.

For now, all I will say is that I will do my upmost to have an answer for you in time for the 12th anniversary on November 19th, hopefully with an actual comic update too. Whether it works out or not, consider that “the next post date” once again. Thanks for being patient, which for the sake of my sanity I’m going to assume you are.