Gijinka Time: Vang
on 20.12.2012
at 8:00 PM
Oh boy, did I have fun with this one!
Sure, he was caught on Route 22, but the Indigo Plateau as the background suits him much better. Will he achieve his dream of conquering the Pokémon League? Only time (and I) will tell.
♪~Comment if you care, follow if you fancy~♫
3 bucks he dies
Go Vang! I got 3 bucks riding on your success!
That’s right Hammerbro22! I accept your bet!
3 Bucks he makes it to the leauge.
I second your bet
Rattatas actually normally get far on Nuzlockes so I’m sure he got really far in your run. If he dies though, things happen but I wouldn’t count him out yet Hammerbro
I like the design, especially the claws. I’m looking forward to seeing this feisty little guy.
Epic Rattata!