#035 – Uncle Brute
on 31.12.2012
at 3:15 PM
Somehow, he’s turning into the mascot of the group.
♪~Comment if you care, follow if you fancy~♫
Somehow, he’s turning into the mascot of the group.
♪~Comment if you care, follow if you fancy~♫
DANGIT WHERE IS THAT FROM??? the first pannel, where is that line from? ive heard it in a movie somewhere.
ill call you ____ and you shall be mine, and you shall be my _____…
grrr i cant remember and its killing me!!
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OHHHHHH thatas right!!!
i shall call him squishy and he shall be mine, and he shall be my squishy… come ere little guy, come on, cocheycochey.. OWWWW BADD! BAD SQUISHEY!!!!