#025 – Vang the Strongest
on 17.12.2012
at 4:24 PM
You know you’re awesome if you outcool Gary Oak.
Well, here you have it, folks. The first big page. There will be more and more as the plot advances, though I’ll try to stay faithful to the comic’s title for the most part. Tell me what you think.
New characters, ambitions, feelings, relationships, self-discoveries, a bit of foreshadowing and an actual battle on-screen! All this and more with one update. I consider myself excused for being a bit late.
♪~Comment if you care, follow if you fancy~♫
I’ll be completely honest… I loved it. My first experience with nuzlocke comics was larges pages like this so I always love to see them, but I was pretty surprised to see it break away from the yonkoma style. Although in retrospect most yonkoma do have the acasional normal chapter. But I digress, it was really good, and you get bonus points for proper use of tsundere.
Awesome page!
Again, years late. But “i’ll be at the leauge soon.”
Really? That just screams death more than a crazy murderer with short term memory loss
Its great to see a story that has so many threads already woven. Going to be a great ride.
the legend begins YAY VANG