#044 – 「All Fiction」
on 15.01.2013
at 7:33 PM
Only fools make troll-endings on April Fools. Truly cunning tricksters like me throw that stuff at you when you least expect it.
Fun fact about the reference – I actually really dislike Kumagawa. But I accidentally drew The Author in the perfectly Kumagawa-ish pose and realized the joke was too good to ignore.
♪~Comment if you care, follow if you fancy~♫
I believe there is a word or at least a trope page for these kind of joke endings but if there is I wouldn’t know what it would be called.
I just had a flash back to the Ash Coma Creepy Pasta
I like Medaka Box.
fan and it better be a fake ending..*grabs my machoke*
Haha I love Kumagawa!