Kyuuenei #001
on 12.03.2013
at 8:00 AM
And here we go. Let me know how you find this format.
Even as a kid I hated Ash for not evolving the little bastard.
Masquerade dancer? Looks more like A FREAKIN’ SUPERHERO but it’s awesome either way.
And yes. Yes I am. But you have no idea how hard it is nowadays to find a female Pokémon fan 😉
♪~Comment if you care, follow if you fancy~♫
As a kid I always pictured the rose petals on roserade’s hands to be like little Silos or something. They would spin open and out would come vines, sludge bombs… Missiles….
That’s… actually a really cool way to think about those. Still, the art doesn’t show any signs of it being able to open, so it never crossed my mind.
Well I mean it kind of does. But its all about how you look at it I guess, I see three Silos others just see roses. But since the official art shows all three roses combined, I never quit saw them as being roses until I was older.
I truly didn’t expect my questions to be answers let alone have them answered the first go. *squees quietly*
I find that last bit about not being able to find a female Pokemon fan hard to believe… ;3
It’s actually true. In Poland Pokémon has been long forgotten. And even when it’s remembered, it’s rarely in a good way. Mostly because for most Poles Pokémon means the anime. We got the games in English, so… You know. The games for kids. In a foreign language. Right.
And yeah, I answered those first, because a) they seem like the basics of basics and b) why not let my female fans know they have a chance 😉
That really sucks, Pokemon hasn’t been forgotten in America at all. As a Pokemon cosplayer, I’d know this. :3
Oh, well sorry for asking basic questions. Heh. ^^;
Really its hard to find a female pokemon fan? My group of friends all the girls play Pokemon and only one guy does. I find it harder to find a guy that likes pokemon 😛