#249 – Solrock
on 23.09.2016
at 6:02 PM
Behold, Gary is a Rock/Psychic type. Shame such a combo is weak to Grass… Let’s dance!
Oh yeah, random cameo of The Best Girl courtesy of a certain fantastic game which I’ve recently finished.
♪~Comment if you care, follow if you fancy~♫
Oh dear, Gary.
Barring weaknesses, looks like the only possible Pokemon capable of beating two Dark types is Comfy…
And oh the suspense!
*squints at that Persona cameo*
I am rather suspicious of what looks to be Vileplume and Exeggcutor everywhere. An ambush in the future?
Also it appears that Sabrina is fond of Added Alliterative Appeal~
Do I spy an Alolan Exeggutor in the background of Erika’s room?