Bonus: PersYNal Fa4ites 1/4
For a small celebration of Yonkoma Nuzlocke’s twelfth anniversary (are you for real?), I’m doing something I’ve wanted to do for a while now – showcasing some of my own favorite strips from the comic’s run so far. A lazy idea, yes, though I did initially intend – and even started to – redraw them all from scratch. I decided not to when I realized that, aside from this first one right here, the change wouldn’t actually be that drastic. Still, we’re doing the current font and adding an extra humorous panel to each one of these.
It’s quite surprising that a strip as early as #026 still holds strong among my favorites to this day, but the out-of-nowhere nature of the “meet the parents” premise, let alone the jokes themselves, hits my funny bone just right. The fact we move on with the journey right after this strip without so much as mentioning it again, makes it a real hit-and-run.
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